
Defines the visual settings of a group box.


  • border_style (BorderStyle): Defines the style of the background border.
  • spacing (length): Defines the layout spacing. (default value: 0)
  • padding (length): Defines the layout spacing. (default value: 0)
  • title_horizontal_alignment (length): Defines the horizontal text alignment of the title. (default value: left)
  • title_style (TextStyle): Defines the style of the title.


The GroupBoxBase represents the base for group box elements that can be styled by using GroupBoxStyle.


  • title (in string): Defines the text that is displayed on the top of the group box (default: "").
  • style (in GroupBoxStyle): Defines the style of the group box.


import { GroupBoxBase, TextBase } from "@vivi/foundation.slint";

export component MyGroupBox inherits GroupBoxBase {
    style: {
        background: black,
        border_radius: 8px,
        title_style: {
            foreground: black,
            font_size: 12px

    VerticalLayout {
        TextBase {
            style: root.title_style;
            text: root.title;


export component Example inherits Window {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;

    MyGroupBox {
        title: "Group";

        Rectangle {
            width: 60px;
            height: 60px;
            background: green;