
The ProgressSlider can be used as progress bar and as slider.


  • value (in_out float): The value. Defaults to the minimum.
  • minimum (in_out float): The minimum value (default: 0).
  • maximum (in_out float): The maximum value (default 100).
  • progress (out float): Returns the value mapped between range of 0 to 1 (default 0).
  • range (out float): Returns the range (maximum - minimum).
  • style (in RangeStyle): Defines the style of the widget.
  • value (in_out float): The value. Defaults to the minimum.
  • indeterminate (in bool): Set to true if the progress of the operation cannot be determined by value (default value: false).
  • interactive (in bool): Set to true to display the widget as slider (default value: false).
  • enabled (in bool): If set to false the widget is disabled.
  • has_focus (out bool): Is true when the element has keyboard focus.
  • step_size (in float): The increment / decrement value on keyboard operations (default 1).


  • edited(/* value */ float): Invoked when value is changed by user interaction.


import { ProgressSlider, MagicVerticalBox } from "@vivi/magic.slint";
export component Example inherits Window {
    MagicVerticalBox {
        ProgressSlider {
          value: 50;